Friday, March 30, 2012

Should Christian musicians, performers, speakers, participate in secular events or events headlined by secular artist?

Gospel rap artist Lecrae is set to perform at a venue headlined by many secular artist(don’t get sidetracked by the genre, Gospel rap is not the debate today), should he attend, would it be the same as Ty Tribett performing at the BET awards back in 2005 ? Matter of fact let’s make it personal........

Imagine, you are Christian musician and you have been asked to perform at a secular venue, a venue where you would be the only Christian artist, do you accept? Before taking sometime to really think on this issue, my “tongue and cheek” answer was "no way Jose, are you crazy". However, after prayer and meditation, I realize that this is not a simple "black or white issue". What immediately comes to my mind is Jesus himself, Jesus was accused of being a friend of publicans, winebibbers and sinners all because of the fact that he set down and shared a meal with them and not the "holy religious folk"(Mark 2:13-17). The Apostle Paul was also called by God to go and minister to the gentiles, a pagan group who did not know the true God. Both Paul and Jesus were ministering to groups hostile to their message but they did not run away but embraced them (and called sin, sin) and developed a relationship (long or short) with them that was aimed towards the glory of God and the furtherance of His Kingdom; Paul and Jesus did not hang around the "worldly folk" just to hang-out but they had a purpose and mission. I think much of the apprehension that Christians have in other Christians being involved in secular events is the idea that such Christians would be endorsing the lifestyle and ideology of the participants who hold opposing views but this is not necessarily the case. As I mentioned earlier, the Christian at all-times must call sin, sin and if those Christians who participate in secular events do so, then there should be no question as to whether such Christians are condoning the lifestyle of its secular participants. However, you can't make everyone happy, so there will always be Christians who disagree on this topic and many more but to bring this point even further, I want to tell you about a great story that my pastor uses to make a good point about being obedient to God. The story goes as thus:

There was a man, led by the Holy Spirit to drive down an old lonely road that dead-ended into a big saw dust pile outside of an old abandoned saw mill.  The Holy Spirit told the man to preach to the saw dust and to do an “alter call” to receive Christ.  The man did not understand why the Holy Spirit wanted him to preach to a saw dust pile but he acquiesced.  Sometime later, the preacher met a man who said that he accepted Christ behind his message, the message that he gave to the saw dust pile, seeing that the newly saved man was on the other side of the large saw dust pile, drinking and gambling.

 The point that I would like to bring out about this story is that imagine if a church bus, or a group of “holy people” had drove down that road and saw this man preaching to a pile of saw dust, they would have said, “he is crazy, drunk, high, not saved”. We should be cautious on the judgment we make on Christians who do things contrary to tradition and even more so, examine the reasoning of our objections with scripture, prayer and meditation.

However, one must realize that Christians speaking or performing at secular events is not for the faint at heart or baby Christians but for the spiritually mature, which would eliminate many of the artist and speakers today who dare to take the "Paul at Mars Hill step"(Acts 17:16-34); such Christian would have to be filled and led by the Holy spirit as Jesus and Paul were and must have thick enough skin to take backlash from fellow Christians who might see them as compromising.

So, if I were asked to speak, sing or perform at an event that was headlined by a group of atheist, would I accept, maybe or maybe not but if I did accept, my purpose would have to be like that of Paul and Jesus, glory to God.

Christian Artist Andy Mineo performing at NYC Fashion Week(Secular Event)....rapping about Christ and living the Christian life everday, not just on Sunday, Everyday Thang!


  1. Some people I asked say no, "You can't serve two God's But I think that you can perform at a secular event, If your uplifting God & speaking his word you never know who is watching or listening. As long as GOD gets ALL the glory.

    1. Thank you for your response Kierra. The reason I started this blog is to get people to really examine their beliefs. A lot of times we say things or respond to things without really thinking through the whole issue which can lead to misplaced or wrongful judgment. Let God's word, the bible, be the foundation or filter for all things we encounter in this life.

    2. I completely agree!!! YouNEVER know who is listening or watching us as believers. The word of GOD says that we are to be known by how we love one another. Especially those of the house of the LORD. We never know if those tattoos or piercings are opening up doors for us that to "joe citizen" might be closed. They get us to the ones that DO NEED HEALING & A SAVIOR!!! FATHER GOD isn't looking at how many tattoos you have. HE's lookin at ur heart and the condition of it. And how we are treating each other. We all need to truly do as the Word says, "be slow to speak, and quick to forgive!!" And to love on a another as HE has loved us!! I don't see where it's my job to be judge and jury to anyone!!! But to love and serve. That's what I wanna be known for and nothing else!!!
